Tuesday 10 August 2021

Spend less time on administrative tasks with Legodesk


Businesses waste time on administrative and managerial tasks. Time is money, so it’s a good adage. This is also true for law firm management.

Over-reliance on human-driven processes (78%) and obsolete technology (72%) are the main reasons for productivity losses. Altman Weil’s recent survey found that most large law firms agree automation and the new competition that comes with it are integral parts of their profession. They also agreed that the industry is moving from being slow-moving to one that is more efficient and has overall performance improvements.

There is an easy way for you to improve your administrative processes and gain a competitive edge. You can make your lawyer more productive by using software like the Legodesk practice management program. This platform was created to help you stay organized. You can manage both one-off and regular tasks quickly and efficiently with a task management system. You don’t need to worry about setting reminders for meetings, tracking case files, or logging account statements.

How Legodesk can help with administrative tasks

1. Streamlining client intake-

You likely spent a lot time interviewing clients in order to gather all information about their cases. What if you could make that time back? Clients must fill out information when they connect with you via Legodesk. This information will make it easier for lawyers to gather the necessary information. Legodesk dramatically reduces the time required to interview the client. Additionally, the lawyer can add additional information to the customer profile as he deals with them, thereby increasing your potential use of the database.


Law firms must organize and maintain their files. This is a time-consuming process, and every year there are malpractice cases arising from misplaced or lost documents. It can be difficult to find the right document from a stack of documents. Legodesk offers simple tools that allow you to keep client and matter files, as well as all associated documents, in the cloud. This allows you to search by keyword indexing or the global search feature to locate information. Legodesk employs a smart algorithm that ensures that the results it returns when you search for a particular document match your criteria. This feature makes it easy to search through multiple folders for a document.

3. Time Management

Billable hours are a fundamental task in any administrative department. Calculating and billing the correct amount of time is crucial in order to know how much you will be paid and when. Manually keeping track of time can cause problems with invoicing. It is easy to lose handwritten notes. Legodesk practice management software includes a built-in clock. This allows you to create different tasks and track the time spent. Automating billing tasks can dramatically reduce time spent on them. This increases your chances of getting paid faster. The platform also provides scheduled or real-time reports. These reports can be used to identify areas that are money-makers as well as areas where you need improvement.

4. Finance Management

Legodesk streamlines many processes within your company that were previously labor-intensive and time-consuming. For example, billing and invoice management requires a lot of attention and time. The smart platform makes it easy to automate revenue collection. Automate almost all transactional tasks, including invoice generation, payment submission and outstanding invoice alerts. You can set the duration, define email templates, and add conditions to each task. Automated solutions can take care of all these tasks without you having to spend time on administrative tasks.

You can also read — How to use Legodesk for contract management automation

Legodesk has helped law firms significantly reduce the time they spend on manual administrative tasks. Let’s do the math. A law firm might have 30 lawyers. If you adapt Legodesk to your firm, and you save them an hour of manual labor, which can be used on client service, you can bill for 30 additional hours per day. If you take into account 240 workdays, excluding weekends and holidays, you can bill an additional 240x30=7200 hours. You can make more money by billing more hours.

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