Thursday 5 August 2021

NSC — National Savings Certificate

 NSC certificate of National Savings It is a tax savings scheme under underSection 80C, Income Tax Act,1961. The NSC is an investment scheme that provides fixed income. It can be used to save taxes. This scheme can be opened at any local post office if you are an Indian Resident. this government of India InitiativeThe scheme encourages investments of small- to medium-income. The scheme is low risk and guarantees fixed returns investors who aren’t afraid to take risks will be attracted by the scheme. The scheme’s main purpose is to give people the opportunity to save money by opening a savings account is easy to do.

Read Also: All About No Objection Certificate (NOC)

NSC Features

1. 1.

The National Savings Certificate interest rate is subject to change as a result of policy changes made by the Finance Ministry. The NSC interest rate applicable as of Q4 FY 2018–19, January-March 2019, is8. Every quarter, the government revises interest rates. The interest rate for the quarter ended October-December 2018 was also 8.8

2. Minimum Investment

You can start by investing a little bit.Rs 100Your investment. You can increase your investment whenever it is possible.


After the December 2015 government’s discontinuation of the NCS Issue IX certificate, the NCS Issue VII Certificate is now the only available NSC. This scheme has a maturity period of 5 years. After the scheme reaches maturity, you will receive the whole maturity value without any TDS deductions. Except in the case of a court order or death, the subscriber cannot withdraw from this scheme prematurely.

4. It’s easy to transfer

You can access the scheme from any country post office. You can also transfer the scheme from one Post Office in the country to another, if needed, without affecting the maturity tenure or interest accrual.

5. Nomination

The scheme allows investors to nominate family members, making it simple to transfer the certificate to them in the event that the investor dies.

6. Collateral accepted

NSC holders and subscribers can submit NSCs as collateral for secured loans. The certificate must be stamped by the Post Master and sent to the Bank or NBFC to secure the loan. Indian residents can only apply for loans with an NSC as collateral. The interest rate will vary depending on the person applying and the bank offering it.

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Different types of NSC holders

  • Single-holder Type Certificate:This certificate is available for purchase by the subscriber either as a gift or on behalf of minors.
  • Joint A Type Certificate:Two investors can hold this type of NSC with equal shares in the scheme’s maturity value. To transfer the certificate of nominating an individual, both holders must sign.
  • Joint Type Certificate B:Two investors also own this, but only one receives the payment when the scheme matures.


  • To be eligible to apply under this scheme, the investor must be an Indian Resident.
  • NRIs are not eligible unless they invested under the scheme before becoming an NRI. They are allowed to keep their certificate until maturity in this instance.
  • This scheme does not apply to trusts or Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs).

NSC has some benefits

NSC is a government program and has many benefits.

  • It is easy to access and offers one of the highest returns of fixed-rate instruments.
  • The scheme is virtually risk-free
  • It allows you to claim tax deduction benefits on investments up to 1.5 lakh rupees as per Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
  • The scheme’s minimum limit, Rs 100, encourages scheme holders to be flexible in their investments.
  • The annual interest earned by NSC during the first four years of the agreement is exempted from tax and eligible for deduction under Section 80C, Income Tax Act.
  • You can re-invest the certificate after it matures by buying a certificate equal in maturity to the old certificates.

Application for NSC: Procedure and documents

Although the process of applying for an NSC can be done online, it is simple. These documents are required to apply for an NSC purchase:

  • The NSC Application Form, also known as Form 1, is where you fill in basic information and include the amount you want to invest.
  • Recent Passport Photographs
  • A proof of identity that includes Adhaar and Pan Card as well as Passport.
  • You will need to provide proof of address, such as Adhaar, Voter ID or Pan Card.

Once the verification is complete and all documents have been submitted, you will be able to make the investment amount paid in cash or by cheque. After the payment has been processed, you can collect the NSCs for the amount from your local post office.

Many people find the National Savings Certificate beneficial, especially those with lower or middle incomes. They have an easy way to invest and almost guaranteed fixed returns.

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