Tuesday 31 August 2021


KNOW!! Why Do Lawyers Wear Black Coat??

history of lawyers uniform

Why do Lawyers Wear Black and white Uniform?

Every profession has a certain dress code, and the people who belong to a particular profession are recognized by their attire.  Such as Doctors are recognized by their white aprons, engineers by their helmets, and so on. In this way, lawyers are identified by their black and white attire. Though the color of the lawyer’s attire is the same lawyers have a dress code that differs from country to country.  It is considered that lawyers have one of the most elegant dress codes compared to other professions. Lawyers are considered as one of the best-dressed professionals. Whereas in some countries like Canada the uniform for lawyers is a red and white dress.  But in most countries, the dress code is white and black. In some European countries, the lawyer uses a traditional black-winged jacket over their dress. In countries like India, both men and women lawyers follow this dress code. Most of the lawyers across the globe, such as the lawyers from Blue Cross Ltd, wear formal wear in muted color combination.

A white shirt and black trousers and a coat with a white neckband are common attire for lawyers. We often wonder about the logic behind the black and white dress code. There is a reason behind it, we will discuss it in the following article.

The history of the black coat dates back to the 17th century

The origin of the black and white dress code lies in the 17th century. The black and white color is not chosen randomly. There is a valid logic behind the black and white color code for the lawyers. In February of 1685, King Charles II died. People began wearing a black and white gown to offer to mourn his death. From that time this uniform for lawyers is designed. If we see the previous pictures, we can find people used to wear a wig and a gown that was to award a degree of anonymity to lawyers and judges.  We can find that attire in old photos. Since that time the white and black dress has become an official dress code for the lawyers.

Read Also – Reasons Why do Judges Wear Wigs?

Why Black and White Color ??

why lawyers wear black coat

There is a reason behind this too. Choosing a black color for the lawyer’s uniform has two reasons. First of all, in the old times, there was no availability of dyes in the large quantity. The purple color was signified to royalty, so the only fabric color left was black. This was the reason why black was an obvious choice. Another reason behind this is black is considered a color of authority and dominance. A person in a black coat looks more powerful and impactful. Also black color represents submission to a certain thing. As priests wear a black coat to show their submission to God, lawyers wear the black outfit to show their submission to justice. Black is a prominent color that offers sheer elegance. It is observed that people wearing black outfits look more impactful and elegant.

why lawyers wear black coat

Lawyers wearing black coats look extremely elegant and powerful.  

The other color white is chosen for its pure feel. The white color signifies goodness, innocence, and purity. In every legal battle, a lawyer is the only hope of justice for every individual. This color of hope is chosen to make individuals believe in the judicial system. In the Indian judicial system wearing a black coat or robe over a white shirt and a white neck, the band is mandatory as this system is influenced by British rulers. There is an /advocate’s Act of 1961 which states every lawyer should wear a black robe or coat with a white shirt and a white neckband.

Why a white neckband? Is there any specific reason?

In countries like India, not only a black coat and a white shirt symbolizes an advocate but a small neckband makes a lawyer recognizable. Every lawyer in the judicial system wears a white neckband. The white neckband is reserved only for the lawyers. So what makes it so important to use a white neckband?

The white neckband on the layer’s shirt also has its origin in England. In the old courts of England, the barristers used to wear these as a part of their uniform. This style was adopted by the Indian lawyers as the Indian judicial system is influenced by the British judicial system. A lawyer’s neckband is a white piece of cloth where two white cloth bands are joined together. These two bands represent the tablet of law and tablets of stone.  This is designed according to Christian belief. These were used by Moses that inscribed ten commandments that are adapted from a burning bush on Mt. Sinai. The neckband is considered the first example of a uniform code law. The shape of a lawyer’s white neckband represents the laws of God and men

Wearing appropriate clothes in a courtroom is extremely important. The judicial system is considered as one of the most respectable systems so showing respect to the system and the people involved in the system gets essential. In almost every country except the USA, it is extremely important to follow a particular dress code in a courtroom.  In the USA participants in the civil proceeding have a lot of flexibility in their dressing. Even though there is not the freedom to dress up as you want. The most important thing to note is the judges in the courtroom can throw you out of the courtroom if you dress up inappropriately. This is the reason why not only lawyers but every individual who participates in the court should follow a certain dress code. The basic rule for dressing is to dress up conservatively. Wearing casual and shabby clothes in the courtroom is considered as disrespect to the law.

Depending on the reason why you are summoned to court a solid black or navy suit with a formal white shirt and a tie will pass through any judge’s standards. A negative dress-up will leave an impact on what the juries think about you.  

Monday 30 August 2021


Here is the Importance of Legal Research in Legal Practice

importance of legal research

No Matter what your practice area is, legal research is a very important process for both individual lawyers and law firms. The most basic step in legal research is to find the leading case governing the issues in question. As most researchers know, this is far more difficult than it sounds. No Matter what your practice area is, legal research is a very important tool for both individual lawyers and law firms.

The advantages of legal research are the lawyer’s understanding and analysis of a case often begin in the research stage when she identifies the relevant facts and determines the legal issues that must be researched. Another advantage of legal research in this analysis continues and is refined as they decide where, how, and what to search. As they find seemingly relevant legal materials, they must understand them and how they apply to the facts of their case. This research provides a crucial analytical foundation that will inform their decisions for the remainder of the case. 

Legal research can have various sources:

  • Primary Source

Primary authorities are the rules of law that are binding upon the courts, government, and individuals. Examples: constitutions, statutes, regulations, treaties, court orders, administrative regulations, policy material.

  • Persuasive Primary Source

Commentaries on the law that do not have the binding effect but aid in explaining what the law is or should be. Examples: primary authority, which is not binding on the courts, viz. opinions of the judges, attorney General, law minister, a ministry of parliamentary affairs, primary authorities from a foreign jurisdiction.

  • Secondary Source

Commentaries, law journals or periodicals, articles, textbooks, a legal encyclopedia, legal dictionary, annotations, legal opinions, surveys, legislative history Secondary sources are important in legal research because they point the researcher to primary sources of the law

Research is considered to be the more objective, methodical, well-determined scientific process of investigation. Through research, a decision-maker can quickly get a summary of the current scenario, which improves his/her information base for making sound decisions affecting future operations of organizations. It is useful to accelerate the decision-making power and it alone can make possible the identification of the determinants.  

advantages of legal research
  • The importance of legal research is To locate relevant “authority” that will help in finding a solution to a legal problem or issue.
  1. To analyze the law by reducing, breaking, and separating the law into separate elements: It can be as simple as examining and explaining new statutes and statutory schemes or as complex as explaining, interpreting and criticizing specific cases or statutes.
  2. To blend the distinct elements of cases and statutes together into coherent or useful legal standards or general rules: The product of this research is the legal standard that is consistent with, explains, or justifies a group of specific legal decisions.
  3. To look at doctrinal or theoretical issues: The research finding is applied in advising courts or clients about the application of the legal doctrine to specific cases, transactions, or other legal events. It may also criticize judicial opinions and in the case of conflicts between the decisions of a different court, suggests the resolution to those conflicts.
  4. To provide teaching materials for students: The end products include books and modules. This is to understand the legal doctrine and the law as it is.
  5. To acquire an understanding of the legal subject while arguing for a better way of doing things: A researcher who performs this type of research critics and comments on legal doctrine and practices from the perspective of different sciences likes economics, politics, and sociology
importance of legal research

The key to success in researching legal issues is realizing that research is a process. You cannot memorize a million cases, and you are not looking for a needle in a haystack. But you can master the overall process of research. As a lawyer, you need to base your analysis on the law: judicial opinions, statutes and constitutions, and administrative law.

Legal research will be unlike any research you have previously done because legal research requires you to use legal analysis. This analysis will tell you which issues to research and how to use the sources you find to solve the client’s problem. Without understanding legal analysis, you may be able to perform the mechanical functions of research, but you will not be able to understand the results of the research. Another unique aspect of legal research is that often there will be no clear answer to the question you are researching. Instead, you will find pieces to a puzzle, and you will have to use legal analysis to fit the pieces together.

There is no magic to it, just an interwoven process of research, analysis, and writing that enables you to be called a lawyer.


Top 7 Inspirational Female Lawyers in India

“People who make a large positive impact in the world, who have the “real goods” to inspire others to do things differently than others”. Most of you might have heard this quote somewhere down the line. But have you ever wondered what inspired them who are inspiring us? These inspiring folks have got something different in them that many of the other people don’t have.

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So, the below-mentioned list of top 7 inspirational female lawyers in India who have been lighting a spark inside us and who make our life better and stronger and to be specific- who make our life more of who we are will make you proud of them.

Female Lawyers in India

These people who inspire us to be better of who we are right now are not puny, or scared. They’re brave and have the courage to push through their worries, and take a stance on what they have confidence in.
These inspirers have tackled great odds and tests, and they’ve twisted “their mess into a message” so that they could help others to overcome their tasks too. They’re soldiers and daring battalions for what they have faith in and how they look at themselves and the world. They’ve reckoned out that if you want to make a transformation in the world, you have to talk about your own whizzes first.

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So, hereby we bring you the top 7 inspirational female lawyers in India to be proud of. These energetic women have beat the odds to prove themselves as some of the most hard-working and successful professionals who have been contributing to the judicial system of the country.

1. Mishi Choudhary

 female lawyers

She is the only lawyer to appear in the Indian as well as US Supreme Court and that also during the same term. She is a woman to be proud of. It’s surprising to see how she keeps a balance between a prosperous law career on both sides of the world. Not only this but this woman is also a digital rights activist who for a long time has been continuing the fight to realm net neutrality.
Mishi has several noteworthy accomplishments under her belt. She established SFLC.in in India to protect the human rights and benefits of the Internet users and even free software developers in India was well reckoned by her and this is a milestone close to her heart.
Mishi is considered one of the best technology lawyers.

2. Vrinda Grover

Vrinda Grover

Vrinda is among one of the top 10 female lawyers in India. Recognized by TIME magazine as one of the 100 most powerful women in 2013, Grover who not only is a lawyer but also is a human rights activist has made a significant influence on the women’s rights movement in India.
She has energetically dealt with domestic violence cases and cases that involved sexual minorities. She has also embodied victims in the Soni Sori rape case who have been prominent in the drafting of the POCSO Act 2012, Criminal Law Amendment of 2013, and the Prevention of Torture Bill, 2010.

3. Indira Jaising

Indira Jaising

With her in-depth grasp of the law, this lady can take down just about anyone who might pose a risk to the rights relished by females in India. Thus, she is not counted as the top 10 female lawyers in India, just like that. Jaising committed her life to struggle for the cause of human rights and thus she founded Lawyers Collective, a human rights organization, along with her husband Anand Grover in 1981.

She was also the first woman to be appointed as an Additional Solicitor General of India in 2009.

4. Meenakshi Arora

Indira Jaising

Arora- a practicing senior counsel at the Supreme Court of India has her impartial share of contribution in safeguarding that the rights of women in India are maintained. She was taken as one of the loyal members of the Gender Sensitization and Internal Complaints Committee of the Supreme Court and was also one of the lawyers whose determined efforts led to the enclosing of the Vishakha Guidelines that later concluded into the lawmaking of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act (2013). Great, isn’t she?

5. Karuna Nundy

Karuna Nundy

Karuna Nundy is a lawyer in the Supreme Court of India who works in a human rights lawsuit. She has contributed suggestively to the gender justice movement in India and was instrumental in seeking righteousness for the victims of the 1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy. This great lady was also involved in the drafting of the Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2013.

She was also instrumental in the Supreme Court judgment scrapping Section 66A of the Information Technology Act. Nundy has also contributed to a Reddit AMA to involve the common masses with deliberations about the Indian legal system.

6. Meenakshi Lekhi

Meenakshi Lekhi

Meenakshi Lekhi, an Indian Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha, is also known as one of the top 10 female lawyers in India at the Supreme Court. Lekhi has also played an integral part in the Drafting Committees for Bills like ‘Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Bill’ and ‘Women’s Reservation Bill’. She was one of the kinds archetypal for the victim in the Shanti Mukund Hospital rape case.

7. Menaka Guruswamy

Menaka Guruswamy

Menaka Guruswamy is a talented lawyer at the Supreme Court of India. She has devoted her life to the cause of keeping justice as she recapitulates in this famous quote, “to advocate, for those who cannot tell their own stories, to defend those whose freedom is in peril, to prod a nation to ask of itself: for who am I, and for what was I created?”

She has worked frequently in the field of constitutional law and has been active contributory in shielding a provision in the Right to Education Act directing that all private schools acknowledge disadvantaged children, and she was the top 10 female lawyers in India who argued for the Naz foundation while inspiring Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code.

The above-mentioned women have held our heads high always and have made the country proud of them. They are the priceless jewel of the country.

Thursday 26 August 2021


How to use Legodesk to automate contract management?

Contract management, or contract administration, regulates the process and procedures by which companies negotiate, execute, perform, modify, and terminate contracts with various stakeholders including clients, suppliers, contractors, distributors, and employees.

Contract management includes contract creation, negotiation, adherence, service level agreements, and documentation.

contract management software

Let’s say that an organization has a slew of contracts with multiple channel partners. And, all of them are managed manually- meaning there is an assigned person to handle each contract throughout its lifecycle. Implementing an electronic contract management system will allow automation; where stakeholders can be informed automatically when contracts expire. They even get notified when other deadlines are approaching, avoiding missed dates, and other potentially costly issues.

Contract Management Solutions For Any Business:

An organization’s workflow would not be complete without contract management. After all, contracts govern business relationships and help meet and exceed expectations with customers and vendors. 

The lifecycle of a contract is the set of stages an agreement goes through during its natural development. A contract lifecycle begins when the legal department receives a request to draft a new contract. 

Read Also – Contracts- Not just Legal Documents but a Human Process

The most common scenario is when a salesperson wants to bring on a new customer and requests a new contract. Based on the deal details, the contract is drafted, negotiated, reviewed, approved, and finally signed by the involved parties. 

contract lifecycle management

Each of these processes is an example of the different stages in the contract lifecycle. Contract management software makes this process as streamlined and efficient as possible. This way, contract management platforms help reduce the time and human effort required to advance from one stage to another.

It should go without saying that organizations have an inherent need to simplify the complexity of contract lifecycle management. And, the only way to achieve this is through innovative user interfaces, robust automation, and user-friendly self-service tools. Moreover, corporations need progress tracking, obligation management, and active compliance monitoring to quickly identify and eliminate performance bottlenecks, eliminate risks, and run an ethical business. 

Contract Management with Legodesk:

With Legodesk’s contract management module, teams have access to powerful, customizable tools that streamline contracts, workflows, and processes.

Managing dynamic business scenarios calls for speedy contract negotiation, reconciliation, and approval. Legodesk allows these teams to work faster and more efficiently. It provides them with the visibility and insight to better manage risk and enforce compliance across contract categories.

It is possible to lose revenue and contract renewal opportunities with manual contract management methods. A company can identify and create new contracts by adopting technology-based contract management, such as the one offered by Legodesk. 

Read Also – Top 5 Features in a Legal Document Management Software

How does Legodesk Contract Management work:

With smart, self-servicing, and configurable contract creation wizards, corporations can allow individuals access to contracts. Based on the access level, the user can then easily adjust workflows, authoring rules, and approve workflows without needing additional development or IT resources.

Moreover, with OCR and API integrations, Legodesk makes it much easier to collaborate with third parties. Teams can use the platform while interacting with widely used tools- Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF reader, and google docs. Legal teams can directly pull outside contracts into the platforms and seamlessly identify clauses and terms that deviate from the predefined ones. 

With features such as version tracking, localization, eSignature, one-click approvals, and platform adaptability, Legodesk ensures the entire contract workflow works in sync. 

Legodesk offers a comprehensible dashboard. The dashboard provides real-time reports and aids decisions, resource planning. This is the best way to better navigate the business landscape. 

Case Study:

One of our clients, a large technology company, followed a traditional manual contracting process. The turnaround time of 45 days (on average) for each contract. While trying the free version of the Legodesk contract management solution, they noticed their improved efficiency with a reduction in contract signing timing to less than 25 days. Moreover, through the smart dashboard, with valuable business intelligence, their approval cycles were reduced from days to minutes.

  1. Close deals faster– With a reusable, easily accessible set template, the company reduced its turnaround time by almost 50%.
  2. Less time on administration– As most of the contract lifecycle management was automated, employees could focus more on doing their actual work rather than focusing on emails, data entry, follow-ups, and status updates. 
  3. Following a standard approach– By setting up a systematic process, the Legodesk contract management system eliminated variables associated with wording or information presented in a contract. It is safe to say that, without any pre-defined template, earlier, each contract followed the wordings put forward by the individual lawyer rather than following unique business rules 

Introduce automation to your workflow:

The challenges of completing more work in less time are already straining organizations’  resources. A contract management service can free up countless man-hours and automate countless processes, thus improving a company’s bottom line. 

Read Also – Agreement vs. Contract: Explanations And Examples

The Legodesk contract management system, developed especially for in-house legal departments, increases efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and profitability while at the same time eliminating risk. 

Wednesday 25 August 2021


How to Manage Your Client Data in 2021

Consumer data has now become the world’s most valuable resource — “the oil of the digital age”. Naturally, the data must be managed and safeguarded accordingly. The consequences of failing to do so can be severe. Especially, when you are a legal professional, dealing with a lot of sensitive data; you need to manage client data effectively. After all, it can be a factor that contributes to overall business success. 

manage client data

Data protection- a necessity, not an afterthought

A law firm needs to ensure that it collects and manages data properly to avoid data breach issues and the resulting loss of customer trust. In fact, a new study from KPMG finds that nearly all U.S. consumers (97%) report that data privacy is a concern; the majority of whom believe data security is a basic human right in this digital age. 

Typically, data protection isn’t a top priority for small law firms. These firms do not believe that they need protection. They assume hacks and leaks only happen to big law firms, despite alarming statistics. Moreover, often, the long list of other business priorities leads to IT infrastructure and security investments being neglected.

However, as a business based on the founding concept of attorney-client privilege; it is necessary for a law firm to protect sensitive data. Sensitive data includes patent information, insider information, and other financial data. Moreover, law firms need to set up processes and internal workflows that manage client data effectively.

Times are changing. Law firms are moving from paper-based transactions to digital methods. They have started sharing files through emails, cloud servers, or other channels. In this case, it is not only important to introduce automation to streamline end-to-end transactions. It is also pivotal to have the right gatekeepers- people and processes- in place to ensure sensitive information remains protected. 

impact of law firm data breach

Compliances for data security:

Interestingly, it is not only clients who want to protect their data; with the rise of cyber crimes and threats, governments and statutory bodies have mandated various guidelines to ensure all businesses do their part to avoid the worst.

The most prominent of these compliances and guidelines seem to be the GDPR. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) harmonizes the data privacy laws. If you are a law firm with a focus on Europe or a business that processes personal data or monitors individuals in the EU, it is illegal to not comply with the GDPR. 

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act (SHIELD) are two legislations that may contribute to the changing scenario of data protection. 

Moreover, most of the countries are coming up with their own version of GDPR and security laws to protect their citizens against imminent online threats. 

world map showing the countries and their data privacy acts

What can law firms do to effectively manage client data:

With more and more legal work done remotely, law firms have realized the need to adopt a cloud-based CRM solution. Legodesk is slowly becoming the preferred tool for lawyers to manage their administration and clients more effectively.

Naturally, to make the platform world-ready and implementing our understanding of the importance of data protection; Legodesk offers built-in compliance management reducing risk:

With a secure instant messenger, we enable lawyers to track key conversations attached to each customer with additional bank-level security and encryption implemented in our servers. 

Moreover, with the offchance of data still being prone to attacks, we offer automated backups. It ensures that law firms have everything in case of a major breach that requires a hard reset. 

Role-based management allows Legodesk to track which database records were altered by which user Furthermore, it tracks the field values before and after an update, and the exact time when the record was changed. This allows administrators to understand what was done and when. In addition, this feature ensures that no authorized person or group can access sensitive information; and, you can lock down access to prevent any kind of export or alteration to any particular files. 

Additionally, Legodesk prompts users to set passwords and provides regular reminders for password resets. With two-factor authentication, the platform also enhances login security and prevents unauthorized access. 

Your law firm’s data and your clients’ data need to be protected. It is essential to your role as a lawyer both ethically and professionally. New challenges are surfacing every day, putting law firms at risk. However, there is good news: firms can reduce risk and ensure their data is protected thanks to technology. And, our cloud-based software is an excellent way to secure your data.