Monday 27 September 2021


How To Get Legal Clients Online In India

how to get clients for lawyers in india

Management of Clients is the most important checkbox a lawyer needs to fulfill in order to have an effective practice. In a competitive scenario like what exists in today’s world, acquiring clients is not an easy task. Technology emerges as a boon in such cases. In order to attain clients, a lawyer or a law firm needs to satisfy a person that they are the best choice for his or her requirements. Such satisfaction requires abiding by the modern techniques of attaining a client.
Some of the steps that help in acquiring clients online are:

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1) Online Presence

Social Media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, etc., play an important role in the promotion of one’s practice. A lawyer or a firm needs to maintain its online presence in the form of accounts on various social sites. Creating a social media account and promoting the page through it leads to more traffic on such a page. This even helps in improving the google ranking of the firm’s website.

In fact, adopting a custom email address with a customized domain name helps with promotion and subtle marketing. For example – An email address like instead of will help with the advertisement of the firm. And in this way, the practice could be introduced to potential or prospective clients.

Paid promotion on Social Media is another way of increasing the reach of your firm and ensuring the best marketing of the firm.

2) Written Content, Blogging, etc.

Content Writing is the sine qua non for every lawyer or law firm. Most law firms focus on legal writing and publishing articles. This presents potential clients with the firm’s ability to handle research work. It attracts prospective clients and is a cheap but effective mode of marketing. High-quality content, along with videos or presentations in laymen’s language is a good form of marketing. For example, – A person can read content on your website and thus, approach you regarding his problem with the same law by getting influenced through the high quality of the written content on the website.

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3) Search Engine Optimization

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques, and tactics used to increase the number of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP). This method is more preferable to the firms or lawyers who have been in the competition for a long time because of the costly nature of marketing since you need to pay the Search Engine to promote your page by making it stay on top whenever certain keywords are entered.

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Several firms approach their clients online by providing them with certain online legal advice services. In the growing world of technology and internet, the clients mostly look for legal solutions online. In such a scenario, features like legal chatting services, video conferencing services, e-mail lawyers, online legal documentation services, etc., help the firm in attracting potential clients of the firm. This mode of legal advice is wider in reach and is quick, efficient, effective, and accurate. In fact, the client can save his time and money with such a mode of legal advice, and thus, this attracts the clients to hire a firm for doing their job.

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6) Email List

Email Lists are the core of marketing. They are opt-in mailing lists where people willingly give you their contact information because you share useful information with them. There are several marketing software available in the market which creates a pop-up for potential clients, and there they can enter their contact details. Similarly, setting up autoresponders make people believe that they have personal contact with the firm.

Marketing is a crucial part of any business. The fastest way of acquiring new clients online is by presenting your skills effectively to prospective clients. In the modern world, marketing for clients has become a lot easier due to access to the internet. The Internet enables people to build up a social network and broaden it. Even strangers can connect to a law firm easily online. Networking is a long-term approach to gaining new business. It is done just by being friendly and kind and building a relationship with the clients.

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