Thursday 8 July 2021

How safe is the cloud for law firms?


Whenever we begin the conversation regarding cloud computing with a lawyer, often we hear the question “ Is the cloud safe for law firms?”. Quite simply, the answer is YES. Cloud is certainly the safest option for law firms to ensure data security; with secure encryptions in place, the cloud can protect them again data theft, data loss, malware attack, and so on.

Naturally, legal professionals are ready to make this one-time hefty investment to set up their IT infrastructure so that the work is done effectively. Cloud can not only streamline law firm management activities; it can do so in a better, faster, and secure manner.

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What is cloud computing technology?

Cloud computing can be defined as a data storage business method, which is capable of replacing all the existing hardware infrastructures. The main Cloud computing has emerged as a business solution that allows users to store and access data from anywhere in the world, not bound by physical constraints or geographical boundaries.
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These services are chargeable and available on demand. In simpler terms, instead of having our own IT infrastructure, we rent a cloud service provider to rent us access. Businesses like Amazon function on Infrastructure as a Service; where instead of spending largely on building infrastructure, they outsource it to a third-party service provider. Whereas GoogleApps, Facebook, etc., are based on Platform as a service (PaaS), where developers avail services without any installation or maintenance of tools in the system.

Moreover, the cloud for law firms is an amalgamation of many existing technologies. This technology is based on the feature of pay as you use and how much you use; naturally, a convenient option for law firms who have no specific requirement defined on a timely basis.

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Cloud for law firms- a shift from the traditional method

Advantages of the cloud for law firms:

Sharing of data in the traditional method was a hassle and time-consuming, which is now really easy in the cloud. Moreover, anyone can steal or read a piece of the paper document shared through courier, fax, or email.

Some of the firms might be reluctant to provide sensitive data for reasons of its security, being skeptical about losing the data or the same data being revealed to the rival. On cloud-based legal case management solutions, the data is only accessible to the concerned parties. The cloud service providers are enabled with tools to identify any fraudulent use or unauthorized use. With passwords, encryption, and defined access, there is no threat of sensitive information leaking to unpleasant parties.

While shifting to the cloud, cost remains a major deciding factor for any law firm. They are worried about the initial cost, which will be incurred by them while making a shift from traditional to the cloud. However, the cloud is paying as you go and pay as much as you use the service. Meaning, the initial cost of transition may seem high, but in the long run, productivity increases and reduces overall costs.

It is very important for law firms to focus on their practice and clients, and not on the side work of maintaining IT infra and data storage issues. Cloud computing provides the flexibility of doing business and increases the overall efficiency of the company.

In the cloud for law firms, once an owner remains an owner. The ownership over the data/document remains unchanged, and the owner can rightfully control and modify the data and information which is stored.

The management of the information and data is automated, and it then becomes very easy to access the same. The existing data management system of individuals or law firms can be easily automated with the help of cloud computing. Moreover, with this, the ability to meet business demands is fast-paced.

Why wait?

Originally published at on April 8, 2021.

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