Wednesday 30 June 2021

How to implement Legal Software

 Time and again, through our blog, we have talked about the importance of legal software and the impact it can bring to streamline the practice. But, lawyers, being the practitioners of one of the oldest systematic professions of the world, are still stuck to old ways with little reliance on primitive technology such as typewriters, computers, copy and fax machines. They are still skeptical about the latest technology and struggle to accept 2021 solutions. When I say 2021 solutions, I mean cloud-based legal case management platform, ODR based resolution techniques, AI-based arbitration, and so on.

Read Also — Legal Management Solutions

These technologies and legal software can help lawyers and law firms complete administrative tasks more effectively and efficiently; allowing them more time to be spent on law practice, conducting research, or dealing with clients- this results in spending more time practicing law and dealing with the clients. Thankfully, with this realization, more and more lawyers are adopting legal software as compared to before.

So, the next question is how do these lawyers adapt to technology and implement new legal software to their practice. Well, following these tips might help:

1.Define the Firm’s Need:

When the firm decides to adopt the legal software, the first step is discussing a plan.

  • Consider the opinion of general counsel (GC), staff members, and clients.
  • Study the need and want within the legal department. For instance, whether they need software for internal or external use? Or both

It is mandatory to consider everyone’s opinion, especially the legal attorneys’. Moreover, the selection needs to be on the basis of the requirements and budget.

2.Select Vendor:

Adaption of legal software is quite expensive, so it is essential to strategize the search and look for software that will benefit the firm.

Checklist to vet and find a reliable vendor:

  • Whether provides an end-to-end solution or not
  • Is it cost-effective for the firm
  • Round the clock support available or not
  • What do the other users say

3. Configure, Contrive and Integrate:

A vital element of any legal software implementation process is ensuring staff members are designated the appropriate roles, responsibilities, and access. Without proper defining of roles and permissions, issues related to compliances and security might arise in the future. The new legal software that the firm installs should be simple to access and contrivable. It should accumulate and simplify the everyday task, reduce the manual review, and expedite other processes related to cases and clients. Moreover, it is equally important to focus on whether the migration from the current system to the updated platform will be smooth or not. And, what happens to the data once you decide to leave the vendor for upgrading or any another option. Remember, to always look for scalable options.

For all of this, the firm has to have robust references to a software program and vendor.

4. Train, Educate, and Test:

Adapting to a new system in the initial days can be super tricky. Law firms must devote resources to train and educate the employees on the new legal software. It takes time to indicate the minutiae details of the software to the team and staff members. You must understand, it is new to everybody and there might be some initial hiccups. But, with the right support from your legal software vendor, the transition can be smooth.Moreover, as you migrate to a new system, ensure your clients are on loop regarding any upcoming changes regarding any matters that concern them.

5. Review and Feedback:

In the end, the satisfaction of the employees and clients matters a lot. Conduct periodically either by online questionnaire or by taking feedback in person. Review the results and accordingly do the required changes. Remember, to be in a constant touch with the service provider and the implementation team.

by Priya Singh *

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under the Companies Act, 2013. It is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. It neither endorses, solicits the work of any Lawyers, Law Firms, and Legal Professionals. The use of any materials or services or software is not a substitute for legal advice. Only a legal practitioner can provide legal advice. A legal practitioner should be consulted for any legal advice or matter.

Originally published at on April 11, 2021.

Benefits of using litigation management software

What if your law firm had a simpler and more effective mechanism for everybody to gain updated legal information, collaborate, and exchange expertise and records? Does it seem too tempting? You will improve productivity and teamwork at your company. While also providing the best experience for your staff and clients by focusing on the right legal case management software.

Numerous legal firms appear averse to change fearing the supposed expenses and complications of introducing new technologies. Concerns about temporary developmental problems soon disappear away once you acknowledge the advantages given to practitioners and clients in terms of pace, continuity, teamwork, and outcomes.
Read Also – Arbitration v. Litigation

If the firm’s market and case operations lack continuity and expertise, it’s probably difficult to uphold clients’ standards. Fortunately, legal case management software gives your company instant insight into the data tools, and resources it takes to be diligent, helping you to meet and surpass your clients’ aspirations.

It’s vital to understand the firm’s and clients’ unique expectations and priorities while looking at legal case management software solutions. Legal case management software may provide a wide broad spectrum of applications.

Read Also – How Legal Practice Management Software Can Help Law Firms

Benefits of using litigation management software

The following are some of the most important features to consider when selecting a technology solution for your business. The following characteristics should remain in a software platform:

  • Customizable checklists
  • Quick access to legal research via articles and case law
  • Capabilities for secure contact and file sharing
  • Network for time monitoring and customer billing
  • Scheduling and calendar integration
  • Email control and tracking
  • A cloud-based platform that is safe
  • Tracking and control of matters and records
  • Templates for forms and documents that are still up to date
  • State-by-state and jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction legal procedure field reference guides

While choosing legal case management software, please note that laws, as well as the rules and procedures that regulate them, keep changing, and data can easily become irrelevant and useless. As a result, it’s important that improvements are implemented on a regular basis to make sure you have the tools and abilities you need to represent the authentic and trustworthy resource that clients can depend on.

Read Also – Legal Management Solutions

Still undecided on whether or not to purchase litigation management software? Enable us to explain how litigation management tools will help you in a few minutes:

1. Centralization of data

Every day, the legal staff and experts must deal with mountains of data pertaining to a variety of cases. Litigation management solution helps you to keep a record of all of your data in one place. Every piece of information relevant to a particular case or trial, including hearing dates, opposition’ and lawyers’ contact information, court numbers, and so on, is collected and preserved in a common docket. This makes for greater teamwork and more informed decision-making.

2. Easier access and retrieval of data

Every day, lawyers must deal with tonnes of data and they must do so through a wide spectrum of cases and hearings. Consider how frustrating and time-consuming it would be to view or retrieve precise data in real-time if performed manually. Using litigation management software, however, viewing and extracting documents is much easier and simpler due to a centralised and coordinated user base for each case.

3. Better communication

Litigation management software can assist in the integration of legal and non-legal agencies. Business teams will give you new notices from all over the world in real-time or email you for any order.

You may also exchange essential information, records, notes, reports, and other documents with other legal users to ensure reduced dependence and optimum time productivity.

4. Date management

When done manually, keeping track of all the deadlines associated with the various lawsuits and litigations that an attorney deals with on a regular basis is incredibly bland. Hence, good litigation management software can help you keep track of all the deadlines for lawsuits and proceedings. It sets notifications in advance so you don’t miss them.

5. Standardized processes

The use of litigation management tools in the workplace helps to standardize procedures and make the lives of lawyers easier. Therefore, getting all of the details preloaded into the software helps everyone to be on the same page, function more systematically, and keep on top of target dates as they are added to the software’s virtual calendar.

6. Better time management

Collecting data, checking up on deadlines, and synchronizing work around the team used to take up a large portion of the lawyers’ time (s). However, with litigation management tools, the whole system can now become streamlined, saving a large amount of time. Legal practitioners are already able to take on more projects thanks to time management tools.

7. Working mobile

Most Litigation Management Software is accessible digitally. It implies you can access all of your litigation and case files from wherever you have an internet connection and a laptop. You can take your job with you everywhere you go. You’ll never miss another deadline or vital piece of information because it’s always at your fingertips!

However, the advantages listed above are only a few examples of how you can use the power of sophisticated litigation management tools to propel your legal firm to an unprecedented level. It is worthwhile to explore the true possibilities.

Read Also – Why Law Case Management Software is Important to Lawyers?

Today, particularly at a time when the entire world is grappling with a major crisis and is compelled to flee indoors and make one’s home one’s workstation, However, with the increased acceptance of technologies workforces were able to rapidly adjust to the new challenge.

Try our all-in-one Legal Practice Management Software       START FREE TRIAL!

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Guide to working remotely as a lawyer in 2021


Experts predict, even in a post-corona world, the wave of digitization is not just magically going to roll over. Meaning, the rise of technology to conduct business online is going to stay in the post-vaccines world as well. Naturally, the legal sector underwent a massive transition when clients and lawyers had to shift to unconventional methods for court dates, and other legal matters; the overhaul will be long withstanding. But, when it comes to working remotely for lawyers; there are still practitioners who think of it as inconvenient and unorthodox.
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Especially in India lawyers, used to a paper-based face-to-face model with little or no reliance on technology, seem to suffer the most from the remote working concept.

Working remotely for lawyers:

Depending upon your practice and the type of clients you deal with, working remotely can benefit lawyers. This way, they save money on traveling and move overall things much quicker than before.

There may be days when a court appearance is necessary. But, with the rise of audio/video-based conferencing, this situation also may improve in the future. So, the next question is are Indian lawyers ready to work remotely?
Read Also — Managing your Law Firm on Cloud

The answer is, “not really”.

From our initial research (when we spoke to a lot of practicing lawyers), most admitted they and their colleagues have struggled in the recent past with setting up online meetings, attending videoconferencing hearings, and sharing documents over the cloud. Let’s talk about them one by one.

Bridging the gap between communication and digitization:

Working remotely for lawyers means a lot of screen time spent online; which absolutely requires a good internet connection. However, lawyers in India are still reliant on mobile internet and hesitate to take up a good broadband connection. The truth is, you can’t have the internet acting up in the middle of an important video hearing. Or risk sending out an important email without the attachment failing to upload; all very possible scenarios in a low data environment.

The simple rule of thumb for attending any online calls is to treat it as you would a face-to-face meeting happening in a conference room. As lawyers, you would never go to a meeting dressed in your pajamas or eat during the meeting- the same applies to the video calls as well. This guide on tips for lawyers to ace video conferencing may help.

Moreover, our initial primary research concluded that Indian courts are using the free video conferencing app Jitsi to schedule calls. But, a lot of the older generation lawyers still find it difficult to use the app. However, the Jitsi blog has quite a list of tutorials and resources that can help lawyers acquaint themselves with the platform.

Reliance on cloud computing:

It might be tempting to share documents, and important sensitive information over Whatsapp, but it is not a safe practice. With data breaches, security threats and phishing scams on the rise, it is wise for lawyers working remotely to communicate with clients only through a secured end-to-end encrypted platform while dealing with clients and cases.

Similarly, while scanning documents to share, name each of them properly so that you don’t get confused as to which is original and which is the copy. Moreover, it becomes easier to tag documents with a special legal case management platform and keep the original separation from the copies.
Read Also — How safe is the cloud for law firms?

Adapting to e-filing:

e-filing refers to “Electronic Filing”, where court papers are filed electronically using a computer instead of handing them to a court clerk in person. The e-filing Module was recently launched by the Supreme Court of India which enables cases to be filed online 24×7 irrespective of the apex court’s working hours.

The chief justice highlighted the principles that helped design the e-filing module:

  • The service which has been provided to the Bar and litigants should facilitate access to justice.
  • Technology must be simple to use and not exclude any citizen.
  • The mission is to provide effective and inexpensive justice everywhere.

Furthermore, the SC has issued a directive for documents to be submitted in the court. They include:

  • Scan to a PDF in A4 Size only
  • Resolution at 300 dpi with OCR
  • Scan in Black and White only
  • File size should be less than 20 MB
  • Do not upload files with Password protection
  • If the file size exceeds the 20 MB limit split such pdf to achieve the file size
  • Scanned with mobile in the image format is not advisable
    Read Also — Video Conferencing in Court Proceedings: SC Guidelines

Need for a Legal Practice Management Software

At Legodesk, we bring the best that Technology has to offer to help Lawyers and other stakeholders improve their Legal Practice quality. The features in our product are diligently designed and inspired by observing lawyers and their common practice styles.

With the world changing rapidly over the past year with a clear line defining the pre and post-pandemic era, it is time for lawyers to adapt to working remotely. Working remotely for lawyers may not be as easy as it seems due to the obvious challenges the profession brings; but, it certainly is the only way to move forward.

Originally published at on April 21, 2021.

Monday 28 June 2021

Which legal structure is the best for your business? — John Giorgi


If you are planning on building a business empire, you need to start thinking about the company’s legal structure. There are four major business structures, but how do you decide which one is best in your case? If you are already thinking about business structures, we understand that you will need all the different legal systems out there.

Here are the business structures you need to keep in mind while building your concern from the ground up.

Sole Proprietorship


  • Absolute control over business


  • Difficult to attract investors

General Partnership


  • Profit and losses passed through the owner tax returns


  • Oversight and management issues outside the agreement details

Limited Liability Company (LLC)


  • Profits/losses are passed to the members and taxed individually
  • Unlimited members


  • Every share of profit represents taxable income



  • Favorable with investors


  • Earnings subject to double taxation
  • Highly regulated, extreme governance and oversight

We hope that you can create the perfect harmony for your venture with the information regarding the legal business structures.

Originally published at on June 26, 2021.