Thursday 22 April 2021

Cybersecurity threats to law firms

 Law Firms are often the target of cybersecurity threats. The firms are targets because they store sensitive data and communicate confidential information. As per the 2020 ABA Legal Technology Survey, it was recorded that 22% of law firms were cyber attacked.

The percentage of cybersecurity threats to law firms are:
  • Firms with 2-9 attorneys-17%
  • 50-99 attorneys-5%
  • 100-499 attorneys-10%
  • 500+ attorneys-12%

There is the availability of upgraded network security software and internal safe-practice systems but still, many firms have either outdated or unmanaged cybersecurity systems. Thus, they are at a higher risk of cyberattacks.

Below are some important Cybersecurity Threats to Law Firms:

1. Phishing Scams:

It is one of the most prominent cybersecurity threats to law firms. In this case, sensitive info is passed through digital sources. For Example, A scammer can easily spoof the client’s email or use false email, or any other way to impersonate the client’s login. The scammer can impersonate an e-sign or request to give the sensitive info or manipulate the receiver in some other way by impersonating to be a client.

The law firm can prevent themselves by using a secure password, that is not used on multiple platforms. They can use double authentication to prevent themselves from attack. In case of any suspect, report to the network security provider immediately to take action.

2. Hacked Email Accounts:

Law firms are often targeted by this scam because of client-attorney relationships. The scammers use manipulative approaches via email to ask for transferring the sensitive info and/or for payments.

The scammer hacks an email account and targets specific contacts. They use the info to request ‘retainers’ from clients and request confidential data. This not only is fraudulent but also runs the risk of invading the privacy of the clients. Moreover, it can be damaging to the reputation of the law firm as well.

3. Ransomware:

Due to the advancement in technologies, these scams are becoming less in number. But still, these cybersecurity threats often target law firms due to the involvement of sensitive client data and transaction of hefty amount.

Ransomware is installed on the devices by clicking on the malicious click or downloading the infected file. Thus, ransomware collects all the important data from the device and sometimes, even the bank details.

Installation of high-quality Anti-Virus software on the device is one of the best solutions to get rid from this ransomware.

4. Data Breach:

As we know, law firms store confidential data and info of the client so they are at a higher risk of attack. Data breaches mean the intentional or unintentional release of secure or private/confidential information to an untrusted environment; as per Wikipedia. Starting from Facebook to Google, almost all tech companies have faced data breaches in the past that have exposed millions of users’ data to unwanted parties.

The combination of instilling security policies and security tools can prevent data leaks. Apart from this combination, law firms must also include Network Security Components such as access control, antivirus and antimalware, IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems), and two-step authentications. 

5. DDoS Attack:

The Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack disrupts the normal traffic of a targeted system. The denial of service floods the targeted system with numerous requests which overload the system. Thus, it becomes impossible to stop the attack and makes it hard for genuine customers to enter, ultimately resulting in disrupting the trade.

The law firms are often targeted by this attack because they have numerous amounts of entry of clients. Having Firewall, DDS-based defense, Intrusion Prevention System, SIEM (Security Info and Event Management), etc. can prevent from getting attacked.

6. Friday Afternoon Fraud:

It is one of the most conveyancing scams. As the name says Afternoon Fraud, the scammers take advantage of the busy day, where more transactions take place before the weekend. 

This scam looks quite genuine. The scammer sends the payment request via email from their normal supplier, for the services rendered. However, the person ends up transferring the amount as it looks genuine.

Read Also: Cybersecurity for the Modern-day Lawyer


Cybersecurity Threats to Law Firms is not a one-and-done process. The firms have to keep on updating and upgrading the preventive software to protect against the ongoing cybersecurity landscape. They have to do vigilant practices to detect and recover the damages, breaches as soon as possible. The firms have to follow cybersecurity preventive measures.

Lack of awareness also leads to a high risk of attack. Therefore, providing education regarding cybersecurity to the employees plays an important role in protecting the firm from cyber threats.

The Right Cybersecurity Vendor and continuous network audit can prevent the system from cyber threats. Therefore, it leads to prevention of the sensitive and confidential data.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Guide to working remotely as a lawyer in 2021


Guide to working remotely as a lawyer in 2021

A guide to working remotely for lawyers

Experts predict, even in a post-corona world, the wave of digitization is not just magically going to roll over. Meaning, the rise of technology to conduct business online is going to stay in the post-vaccines world as well. Naturally, the legal sector underwent a massive transition when clients and lawyers had to shift to unconventional methods for court dates, and other legal matters; the overhaul will be long withstanding. But, when it comes to working remotely for lawyers; there are still practitioners who think of it as inconvenient and unorthodox. 

Especially in India lawyers, used to a paper based face-to-face model with little or no reliance on technology, seem to suffer the most from the remote working concept.

Working remotely for lawyers:

Depending upon your practice and the type of clients you deal with, working remotely can benefit lawyers. This way, they not only save money on traveling but also move overall things much quicker than before. 

There may be days when a court appearance is absolutely necessary. But, with the rise of audio/video-based conferencing, this situation also may improve in the future. So, the next question is are Indian lawyers ready to work remotely?

The answer is, “not really”. 

From our initial research (when we spoke to a lot of practicing lawyers), most admitted they and their colleagues have struggled in the recent past with setting up online meetings, attending videoconferencing hearings, and sharing documents over the cloud. Let’s talk about them one by one.

Bridging the gap between communication and digitization:

Working remotely for lawyers means a lot of screen time spent online; which absolutely requires a good internet connection. However, lawyers in India are still reliant on mobile internet and hesitate to take up a good broadband connection. The truth is, you can’t have the internet acting up in the middle of an important video hearing. Or risk sending out an important email without the attachment failing to upload; all very possible scenarios in a low data environment. 

But, As per the latest information from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), by the end of June 2020, there were 749 million (74.9 crores) internet connections — narrowband (50.8 million or 5-cr) and broadband (698.2 million or 69.2-cr) together. But, sadly most of this population belongs to the private sector working on IT infrastructure and related industries.

  1. Video conferencing etiquettes:

The simple rule of thumb for attending any online calls is to treat it as you would a face-to-face meeting happening in a conference room. As lawyers, you would never go to a meeting dressed in your pajamas or eat during the meeting- the same applies to the video calls as well. This guide on tips for lawyers to ace video conferencing may help. 

Moreover, our initial primary research concluded that Indian courts are using the free video conferencing app Jitsi to schedule calls. But, a lot of the older generation lawyers still find it difficult to use the app. However, the Jitsi blog has quite a list of tutorials and resources that can help lawyers acquaint themselves with the platform. 

Reliance on cloud computing:

It might be tempting to share documents, and important sensitive information over Whatsapp, but it is not a safe practice. With data breaches, security threats and phishing scams on the rise, it is wise for lawyers working remotely to communicate with clients only through a secured end-to-end encrypted platform while dealing with clients and cases. 

Similarly, while scanning documents to share, name each of them properly so that you don’t get confused as to which is original and which is the copy. Moreover, with a special legal case management platform, it becomes easier to tag documents and keep the original separation from the copies. 

Adapting to e-filing:

e-filing refers to “Electronic Filing”, where court papers are filed electronically using a computer instead of handing them to a court clerk in person. The e-filing Module was recently launched by the Supreme Court of India which enables cases to be filed online 24×7 irrespective of the apex court’s working hours.

The chief justice highlighted the principles that helped design the e-filing module:

  • The service which has been provided to the Bar and litigants should facilitate access to justice.
  • Technology must be simple to use and not exclude any citizen.
  • The mission is to provide effective and inexpensive justice everywhere.

Furthermore, the SC has issued a directive for documents to be submitted in the court. They include:

  • Scan to a PDF in A4 Size only
  • Resolution at 300 dpi with OCR
  • Scan in Black and White only
  • File size should be less than 20 MB
  • Do not upload files with Password protection
  • If the file size exceeds 20 MB limit split such pdf to achieve the file size
  • Scanned with mobile in the image format is not advisable

With the second wave of COVID-19 cases in India, the need for a reliable and trustworthy legal case management platform is imminent.

At Legodesk, we bring the best that Technology has to offer to help Lawyers and other stakeholders to improve the quality of their Legal Practice. The features in our product are diligently designed and inspired by observing lawyers and their common practice styles. 

With the world changing rapidly over the past year with a clear line defining the pre and post-pandemic era, it is time for lawyers to adapt to working remotely. Working remotely for lawyers may not be as easy as it seems due to the obvious challenges the profession brings; but, it certainly is the only way to move forward. 

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Thursday 15 April 2021

Introduction to Legal Client Management Software

 Legal Client Management Software is for the case and client’s records management. It can also help manage daily workflows, cases, and other business operations. Thus, resulting in a proper working strategy for the firm, attorney, or court.

Today, sustaining in the business world without adopting technology has become quite difficult. The modern and digital world has made all the operations easy and simpler. Every industry adopts technology to streamline its operations. Having efficient and appropriate methods at Law Firm where everyone can access the updated information, get and share the knowledge, data, documents, communicate is one of the advanced methods for the firm to induce a position over the right management system and conjointly among the clients and employees. The right legal case management software can attain this.

The legal industry fears adopting the Online Mode Culture, be it about the functions of courts or attorneys, or firms despite the advancement in the technology of every sector. There is a rise in the virtual culture of the legal firm, but the rise is subjected to only 45% as per ABA Legal Technology Survey Report.

Introduction to Legal Client Management Software
  1. Case Management
  2. Legal Document Management
  3. Billing
  4. Schedules, appointments, and deadlines
  5. Contact Management
  6. Accounting
  7. Calendaring
  8. Task Management
  9. Online Payment
  10. Time and Expense Tracking
  11. Law Firm Insights

The operating culture of every law firm varies from one another. The way of addressing the clients, dealing with the cases, getting the other work done everything differs from one another. The attorneys have their approaches towards the cases they are dealing with. Therefore, it creates various hurdles/barriers. The Legal Client Management Software reduces the miscommunication, frustration, and inefficiency often faced by the partners, legal associates, and employees who usually scrabble to understand and cater to one another’s individual approaches and preferences.

Read Also – Legal Management Solutions

  1. The important messages or information not conveyed to all the members of the team.
  2. Wasting hours to get updated legal rules and procedures
  3. Multiple confirmations required for the drafts
  4. ‘N’ number of correction orders for the multiple drafts
  5. Multiple visits for the approval of correction

This ultimately results in;

  1. Not delivering the best to the clients, thus showing weak working methodology.
  2. The client’s expectations are not met, therefore results in the client’s disappointment.
  3. Trust towards the firms is eroded and hence, the clients turn up to other firms.

Many firms are quite obstinate about making changes in their current ongoing working environment. The majority of firms presumes that adopting technology methods is quite expensive and thus, they don’t prefer it. However, looking at the benefits of Legal client management software, it can be said that that it is beneficial for both i.e. attorney and client. It provides updated info, tools, and proactive the law firm in delivering the work and meeting with the expectation of the client.

  1. It should be a cloud-based platform
  2. There should be a matter and document tracking and management
  3. Updated form and document templates
  4. Providing legal guidance of all the sectors 
  5. Encrypted communication with secured file sharing function
  6. Automatic email and chat response management
  7. Providing legal resources for the legal research and drafting via articles and case laws

All members of the legal sector know about the dynamic nature of the change in the rules, procedures, date, time, etc so one should have to keep in the mind before selecting the legal client management software that the software/resource is providing all the up-to-date information.

Legal Client Management Software leads to the benefits for the firm and clients and some of them are:


When all the staff members of the firm have access to the same updated info then they all can easily communicate and collaborate with the client without cross-checking with other members. As it is time-saving so, it leads to zero frustration with the more productive approach towards handling the cases without any barriers.

It saves time, so it automatically translates to generate more revenue by dealing in more cases/clients in less time.


The customer base is created with trust and by fulfilling their expectations. Thus, results in customer satisfaction. The client expects from the firm that it understands all the possible pros and cons of the industries or business they’re dealing with. Having access to up-to-date legal resources and data gives an edge to an attorney to anticipate all the outcomes and minimize the risk possibilities that may affect the client’s work. Therefore, getting an advantage over its competitors.


Quick access to all the legal resources, data, materials, info at one platform prevents a lot of hustle faced by the attorneys or other associates and this leads to the greater satisfaction for reaching out to those resources and hence, results in giving the best they have. Thus, ultimately creates a strong customer base. 

Having info about all the matters on a single platform makes the clients updated about the ongoing scenario of the cases. This minimizes the multiple visits to the firm and unnecessary discussions with the attorneys hence lead them to focus on their work.

A law firm that delivers this kind of service is a true and vital partner- A complete Saviour.

Read Also – Top 5 Features in a Legal Document Management Software


The Law Firm should find the Legal Client Management Software which is committed to the firm as the software will be integrated into the firm’s operating system and everything will be managed on the software only. Also, the onboarding and integration process should be easy and protected as it can be easily accessible by the members but also with all the data protection. Additionally, the software providers should provide 24*7 service.

Lastly, adopting technology to the business makes a lot of things hustle-free and makes the work go on smoothly. The legal field is one of the sectors which requires a lot of readings, researching, paper works, documentations, court schedules, etc, and having all these things in a single place makes the maximum of work easy.

Benefits of using litigation management software

 What if your law firm had a simpler and more effective mechanism for everybody to gain updated legal information, collaborate, and exchange expertise and records? Does it seem too tempting? You will improve productivity and teamwork at your company. While also providing the best experience for your staff and clients by focusing on the right legal case management software.

Numerous legal firms appear averse to change fearing the supposed expenses and complications of introducing new technologies. Concerns about temporary developmental problems soon disappear away once you acknowledge the advantages given to practitioners and clients in terms of pace, continuity, teamwork, and outcomes.

If the firm’s market and case operations lack continuity and expertise, it’s probably difficult to uphold clients’ standards. Fortunately, legal case management software gives your company instant insight into the data tools, and resources it takes to be diligent, helping you to meet and surpass your clients’ aspirations.

It’s vital to understand the firm’s and clients’ unique expectations and priorities while looking at legal case management software solutions. Legal case management software may provide a wide broad spectrum of applications.

Read Also – How Legal Practice Management Software Can Help Law Firms

Benefits of using litigation management software

The following are some of the most important features to consider when selecting a technology solution for your business. The following characteristics should remain in a software platform:

  • Customizable checklists
  • Quick access to legal research via articles and case law
  • Capabilities for secure contact and file sharing
  • Network for time monitoring and customer billing
  • Scheduling and calendar integration
  • Email control and tracking
  • A cloud-based platform that is safe
  • Tracking and control of matters and records
  • Templates for forms and documents that are still up to date
  • State-by-state and jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction legal procedure field reference guides

While choosing legal case management software, please note that laws, as well as the rules and procedures that regulate them, keep changing, and data can easily become irrelevant and useless. As a result, it’s important that improvements are implemented on a regular basis to make sure you have the tools and abilities you need to represent the authentic and trustworthy resource that clients can depend on.

Read Also – Legal Management Solutions

Still undecided on whether or not to purchase litigation management software? Enable us to explain how litigation management tools will help you in a few minutes:

1. Centralization of data

Every day, the legal staff and experts must deal with mountains of data pertaining to a variety of cases. Litigation management solution helps you to keep a record of all of your data in one place. Every piece of information relevant to a particular case or trial, including hearing dates, opposition’ and lawyers’ contact information, court numbers, and so on, is collected and preserved in a common docket. This makes for greater teamwork and more informed decision-making.

2. Easier access and retrieval of data

Every day, lawyers must deal with tonnes of data and they must do so through a wide spectrum of cases and hearings. Consider how frustrating and time-consuming it would be to view or retrieve precise data in real-time if performed manually. Using litigation management software, however, viewing and extracting documents is much easier and simpler due to a centralised and coordinated user base for each case.

3. Better communication

Litigation management software can assist in the integration of legal and non-legal agencies. Business teams will give you new notices from all over the world in real time or email you for any order.

You may also exchange essential information, records, notes, reports, and other documents with other legal users to ensure reduced dependence and optimum time productivity.

4. Date management

When done manually, keeping track of all the deadlines associated with the various lawsuits and litigations that an attorney deals with on a regular basis is incredibly bland. Hence, good litigation management software can help you keep track of all the deadlines for lawsuits and proceedings. It sets notifications in advance so you don’t miss them.

5. Standardized processes

The use of litigation management tools in the workplace helps to standardise procedures and make the lives of lawyers easier. Therefore, getting all of the details preloaded into the software helps everyone to be on the same page, function more systematically, and keep on top of target dates as they are added to the software’s virtual calendar.

6. Better time management

Collecting data, checking up on deadlines, and synchronising work around the team used to take up a large portion of the lawyers’ time (s). However, with litigation management tools, the whole system can now become streamlined, saving a large amount of time. Legal practitioners are already able to take on more projects thanks to time management tools.

7. Working mobile

Most Litigation Management Software is accessible digitally. It implies you can access all of your litigation and case files from wherever you have an internet connection and a laptop. You can take your job with you everywhere you go. You’ll never miss another deadline or vital piece of information because it’s always at your fingertips!

However, the advantages listed above are only a few examples of how you can use the power of sophisticated litigation management tools to propel your legal firm to an unprecedented level. It is worthwhile to explore the true possibilities.

Read Also – Why Law Case Management Software is Important to Lawyers?

Today, particularly at a time when the entire world is grappling with a major crisis and is compelled to flee indoors and make one’s home one’s workstation, However, with the increased acceptance of technologies workforces were able to rapidly adjust to the new challenge.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Law Firm Data Security: The Simple Guide to Protecting Your Firm’s Data

 Data security is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a law firm. It is never too early to start thinking about security and how to protect your firm’s data. The most important thing to remember is that law firms and other professional service providers are extremely attractive targets for cybercriminals. So, while it may not seem like a priority, data security should be planned and executed as soon as possible.

Don’t forget to try our Legal Case Management Software

Start by Assessing Your Current Data Security

It is impossible to protect your firm’s data without first knowing how secure it is. The first step to taking steps to secure your data is to assess your current security measures. Take a look at the security measures that are currently in place and see what you can improve. What parts of your data do you control? What can you patch? Do you know your servers’ IP addresses? Once you are able to answer all of these questions, it is time to start thinking about data security. Start Building a Data Security Plan Now that you have a better idea of how your firm’s data is protected, it is time to start developing a data security plan. It is a good idea to work with a professional service provider to develop the plan.

How to Protect Your Firm’s Data

Law firms are the leading targets for cybercriminals. That’s because they are often victims of identity theft. As such, their data is very valuable. If cybercriminals can steal this information, they have an incentive to do so, since they can turn around and sell it to identity thieves or other hackers. Because of this, it is important for lawyers to take some basic steps to protect their data. 1. Make sure everyone knows about the data breach. One of the best ways to minimize the damage is to make sure you make it clear to everyone that your firm suffered a data breach. Let people know what happened and when. Hopefully, they will not blame you for not telling them sooner, and if they do, remind them that you were under the gun with other work. 2. Send an email to all clients.


Law firms are increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals, and the tactics used by cybercriminals have evolved significantly over the last few years. One of the most important lessons I have learned in my cybersecurity career is that cybercriminals are creative and opportunistic. They look for ways to take advantage of an unsuspecting victim, and law firms are vulnerable due to their reliance on internal staff for day-to-day operations. While a great deal of the time cybercriminals won’t act unless they are extremely frustrated or caught off guard, sometimes they do act out of anger, frustration or they’re just plain lucky. Whatever the case, it is essential to recognize your targets and to take the appropriate measures to protect yourself and your firm.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

List of All Gazetted Officers in India


list of gazetted officer

Very often for various purposes, we are in search of a gazetted officer for the verification and attestation of the documents. There is no concrete list available on the regular sources as to whom to approach and who is the eligible person to attest the documents. As per the Modi government guideline issued in 2014, Self-attestation was sufficient for various purposes. But, still, in some cases, we need attestation by a gazetted officer.

Who is a Gazetted Officer?

The gazetted officer is a government official who is working as a public servant in a higher rank. Every government employee is not a gazetted officer. A gazetted officer is a government servant who derives its service and recruitment conditions from the Gazette of India as per Article 309 of the Constitution of India, 1950. This recruitment, when made to the government, clearly mentions if a person is a gazetted officer or not.  The list is published in the Gazette of India of the Gazetted Officer. These officers have a name stamp of their own to sign the papers. Gazetted officers are assigned the task of attesting a document, i.e. verifying the credibility of the same. The attestation of the gazetted officer amounts to a credible person witnessing the verification of documents.

gazetted officer list

The Gazetted officer have a stamp in their name, which is used to authorize the documents. This stamp is given to them by the President or the Governor. Many important documents, particularly citizen certifications, are required first to be verified by a gazetted officer.

List of All Gazetted Officers in India

There were many pertinent questions that were sought by way of RTI. Whether it is a duty to attest the copy? Whether a person can visit the home of a gazetted officer for attestation? Nobody can force the gazetted officer to attest the documents and secondarily, without seeing the Identity proof no Gazetted officer can be forced to attest the document.[1] There are no separate guidelines regarding the attestation of documents by a gazetted officer.

The government has classified its employees into four categories for better understanding. Below is the list of all Gazetted officers in India whether they are from Class I, Class II, Class III, Class IV.


This class of employees is among the highest rank of employees. They are gazetted officers of the Highest class. They are placed in level 10 and above in Civilian and Defence Pay matrices. Pay Scale is not the only criterion for deciding the classes.

  1. Officers of Armed forces
  2. Magistrates and above in judicial services
  3. Scientists of Government-funded Research Organization
  4. In Central and State universities: Vice-Chancellors, Assistant Registrars, Principals, and Faculty Members
  5. Doctors (Government, State, and Central Services)
  6. Engineers (Government, State, and Central Services)
  7. Drug Controllers (Government, State, and Central Services)
  8. Central and State Government Employees with A service rules (IPS, IAS, IES, SDPO, ASP, ACP, IGP, DSP, IFS, DIB, DIG, SSP, etc.)
  9. Patent Examiner
  10. Officers of State Cadres of Assistant Commissioner
  11. District Medical officer
  1. Junior Doctors in Government Hospitals
  2. Section Officers
  3. Circle inspector, Tahsildars
  4. Drug Inspectors
  5. Headmaster in Government High school
  6. Assistant Executive Engineers
  7. Block Development Officer
  8. Income tax and revenue officers
  9. Chief Pharmacists
  10. Superintendent of Excise and customs
  11. Officers in State Civil Services
  12. JCOs in Armed Forces
  1. Junior Engineers in different departments
  2. Income tax officers
  3. Custom/Excise officers
  4. Assistant Section Officers in various ministries
  5. Senior Pharmacists in the health department of governments.

These are non-gazetted officers who are employed with the government but in non-supervisory roles example includes

  1. Nurses
  2. TTEs
  3. Telephone operators
  4. Head Clerks
  5. Police Head Constables, etc.

They are amongst the lowest pay scale and are generally manual workers who are semi-skilled or skilled in that respect like sweepers, Trackmen, Peons, and multi-tasking staff.

One thing to note is, a Gazetted Officer ceases to be one after retirement, as their appointment or name no longer reflects in the Gazette of India document.


These officers are given the status of a gazetted officer by the government. And are vested with the duty of attesting a document as an original copy of the same for various applications. The list provided is not exhaustive and includes others also. The list provided only includes the person covered in the brief.

Monday 12 April 2021

Salary of a lawyer : Litigation V. Corporate

 Salary of a lawyer

The Law field in today’s time is one of the most respected, reputed, and always a field of much demand. Originally this field has certain areas like civil or criminal, but with the growth of globalization, complexities of business companies or organizations and industries have also increased tremendously, and ultimately this becomes the important reason for the growth of corporate lawyers.  and nowadays there are usually two types of lawyers, Litigation, and Corporate, and today’s generation is much involved corporate sector than Litigation, if you find the reason, then it is that today’s generation’s inclination is more on earning not fighting for justice for someone.

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Litigation Lawyers 

Litigation is a slow-growing process, you have to be calm for a specific time but after some years of experiences, you will earn a lot by fiving your very less time. For a lawyer who just started his career in litigation, carving out space for him/herself as a litigating lawyer can be pretty tough. This is largely due to the fact that for beginners, the earning is extremely low.

salary of a lawyer in india

Salary of Litigation Lawyers in India

In the Madras High Court, the average salary you get under a senior is Rupees 7,000 -14,000 per month. In the Delhi High Court, it is Rupees 13,000 – 26,000 per month.  same as other also in Gujrat or Allahabad HC or in Madhya Pradesh it is almost the same between 5000 – 14000 for junior Lawyers.

Usually, a lawyer doesn’t get salaries, as all the lawyers are self-employed professionals, who can earn their living by charging fees according to the person and according to the case for an individual. The fee range of an Advocate or lawyer can range from Rs 200-300 an appearance for a junior lawyer in the lower Courts, to Rs 25-30 Lakh an appearance which was the reported fee charged by Ram Jethmalani, pr Harish Salve, etc, the senior-most Senior Counsel in India.

It is believed that litigation tends to pay (in monetary terms) in the long run. However, a recent survey conducted by Bar and Bench, a leading online legal publication, presented a slightly different picture. With regard to lawyers working in law firms, too, there’s a wide disparity which depends on various of a factor like the area of practice, the city where the advocate is practiced, size and reputation of the firm and also depends upon the seniority of the lawyer. There is a number of lawyers working in small law firms in the country who earn as little as Rs 6000 – 12000 in a month, while their counterparts working in tier 1 firm like Khaitan & Co in the same city earns starting salaries which may even go up to Rs 1.10k- 1.20k per month.

Read Also: The Top Law Firms in India – The best of the best

Justice Chandrachud, while pointing out the financial struggle in litigation says that “In litigation today, even now, there are law firms who would typically brief the young lawyers who were well connected. These are some type of hard and tough realities which many young lawyers are facing nowadays. There’s no guarantee of income, in that sense litigation has not really changed in terms of its perception, say 20 or 30 years ago. Young juniors entering litigation today are paid little or nothing as compared to their corporate peers.

What is most disheartening is that litigation as an option is closed to those who might have been truly passionate about it, and would have made great future counsel in our country, simply because it is not possible for them to continue on the meager salaries when they have spent significant sums for their education and have families to support. So, what we really then have is instead of a potential social activist lawyer or a human rights lawyer, we are increasing as a consequence of economic necessity we’re converting them into, if I may call them, is just a  corporate geek  or glorified clerks.”

lawyer salary in india

Salary of Corporate Lawyers in India

In India, the range of salary that the law firms offers ranges all the way from Rs 25-30 lakh per annum to Rs 150-200 lakh. Even for lawyers who have just graduated from college, there is a wide potential range from between Rs 5-10 lakh per year to Rs 18-20 lakh per year. 

The salary for a fresh corporate lawyer who has just completed the graduation, in a tier-1 law firm would earn anything between 12–15 lakhs per year. However, there are very few corporate law jobs for freshers who offer such salary and mostly offered to students from the top law colleges and those who have interned with these firms before.

Many students working in corporate (full-service law firms) would ideally get a more realistic salary of anything between 5–12 lakhs per year.

In New Delhi only, the Corporate Lawyers earn an average of 60% more than the national average. These job titles also find higher than average salaries in Bangalore, Karnataka (45-47% more) and Mumbai, Maharashtra (3-5% more). The lowest salaries can be found in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (14-16% less), and Pune, Maharashtra (7.0-8% less).

According to an online survey conducted by legal industry website ‘Legally India’ in 2012, the lawyers with seven years of experience at leading corporate law firms could earn between Rs 22 – 25 lakh (about $40,000) and Rs 55 – 60 lakh (about $100,000) a year, but that there are large pay scale gaps and little transparency even within the same firm.

Some of the law firms such as the law firms in Mumbai and Delhi offices of Amarchand Mangaldas Suresh A Shroff and Co., J Sagar Associates (JSA), Khaitan and Co., Luthra and Luthra, S&R Associates and Trilegal, or of AZB and Partners in Mumbai pay good salary to the lawyers who have just completed their graduation. The salary would start at a base salary package of around Rs.10 – 12 lakh per year, going up to between Rs 12 lakh and Rs 15 lakh per year.

On average, the total amount of money may be termed as compensation, including bonuses, in the top tier corporate firm would then increase by around 12% year-on-year until a lawyer has four years of experience, precisely termed as post-qualification experience (PQE).

Total compensation would increase by an average of around 20 – 21% each year by the 5th or 6th year of post-qualification experience across these firms, increasing yet again by more than 30 – 35% on average to seven years of post-qualification experience. For the very top performers at the six- to seven-year levels, the maximum total remuneration can even have increased by as much as 45 – 50% nowadays.

In case of the firms that are of the second tier, such as Argus Partners, AZB’s Delhi office, Desai and Diwanji, Nishith Desai Associates and Wadia Ghandy, remuneration rises more steadily on average.

Normally, starting salary or remuneration, including bonuses, generally vary between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 12 lakh at these firms, but that then increases by around 16-18% every year until post qualification experience five- and six-year levels. At five-six years of PQE, the increments are almost 20% on average and into year seven, the rise is around 25% on average.

Salary of Litigation Lawyers in India

Conclusion – 

So basically I end up with my personal opinion is that a Lawyer or Advocate on an average basis can earn 2- 4 Lakh per annum, but this actually depends upon their experiences and specialization. A the same time some lawyers in a country, who is charging Rs 5 lakh to 30 lakh per hearing, and that does not matter that their appearances are in district court or High Court or Supreme Court, but for some lawyers is still hard to maintain the nobility of their profession. As there are still some lawyers in litigation area who are fighting for their basic needs. while on the other side the corporate sector has an enormous pay list if you got recruitment in tier 1 or tier 2 firms.